riastrad_ridire Jul 04, 2011 01:49
who the fuck am i again, ☆nina, look at your life look at your choices, how did this post get so long, ☆connla, ☆rin, fuck everything, e rank luck wins every time, this deer is teal in color, shiiiiiiit, not-so-easy amnesia, adamantium woobie, what is even going on, shit is gonna get real
riastrad_ridire Jun 07, 2011 18:30
nope still human, tsunderes love gemstones, causality is for wusses, how did this post get so long, ☆diarmuid, murderhound's a-stabbin', ☆rin, break out the loaded dice, training montage is imminent, this deer is teal in color, magic time, adamantium woobie, tl;dr i can stab shit, ☆gilgamesh